
Shih, Sheng-Pao
Associate Professor and Chair
Specialty: IS personnel, IS project management, IS security management
Office: B937 ext. 2850
ePorfolio: Click this link
Specialty: Information Strategies and Management, Information Systems Planning, Knowledge Management, Customer Relationship Management, Information Security Awareness, Information Security Management Systems, IT Service Management, Information Education and Information Literacy, Cloud Service and Application, IT Governance, Information Security Governance, Information Opinion Mining.
Office: B846 ext. 2996
ePorfolio: Click this link
Shyur, Huan-jyh
Specialty: Software Reliability, Software Project Management, Decision and Negotiation Support System, Enterprise Information System, Data Mining, Soft Computing; Neural Network, GA, SVM
Office: Ba848 ext. 2881
ePorfolio: Click this link
Cheng, Chi-bin
Specialty: Soft Computing, Machine Learning, Decision Analysis, Supply Chain Management, e-Commerce
Office: FL115 ext. 3332
ePorfolio: Click this link
Yu, Chia-ping
Specialty: Project management, content analysis, e-government
Office: B843 ext. 3511
ePorfolio: Click this link
Liang, En-hui
Associate Professor
Specialty: B852 ext. 2948
Office: B852 ext. 2948
ePorfolio: Click this link
Jou, Chichang
Associate Professor
Specialty: Deep Web, Distributed Computing, Data Mining
Office: Ba831 ext. 3505
ePorfolio: Click this link
Chang, Jau-shien
Associate Professor
Specialty: Online auction fraud detection, social computing, negotiation support systems, mobile commerce, data mining, software agents
Office: B844 ext. 2995
ePorfolio: Click this link
Wei, Shih-chieh
Associate Professor
Specialty: Recommender Systems, Machine Learning, Information Security, Image, Processing, Geographic Information Applications, GPU Applications
Office: B938 ext. 3513
ePorfolio: Click this link
Chang, Ying-Hua
Associate Professor
Specialty: Quantitative methods, soft computing techniques, decision analysis, investment theory, enterprise resource planning
Office: B928 ext. 2976
ePorfolio: Click this link
Wu, Ya-ling
Associate Professor
Specialty: Service Management and Innovation, Knowledge Management, Online behavior, E-business
Office: B838a ext. 2198
ePorfolio: Click this link
Cheng Che-Pin
Associate Professor
Specialty: Information Technology Integration Application, Information Management, System Development, Database Management, E-commerce, Online Community, Media Marketing, Media Content Production
Office: B1032 ext. 2865
ePorfolio: Click this link
Cheng, Pei-Yu
Assistant Professor
Specialty: Educational Technology, Educational Data Mining, Data Analytics, Internet of Things (IoT) and its applications
Office: B932 ext. 2925
ePorfolio: Click this link
Assistant Professor
Specialty: Decision and Control,Artificial Intelligence applied to Autonomous Mobile Robots (UAV, AGV and Bio-inspired robots),Soft Computing and Computational Intelligence,Machine Learning and Big Data Analysis,Computer Vision
Office: L677
ePorfolio: Click this link
Nadia Parsazadeh
Assistant Professor
Specialty: Big Data Analytics、Knowledge Management、Measurement Methods、Instructional Design、Educational Technology
Office: B945
ePorfolio: Click this link
Yu Ting Chang Chien
Assistant Professor
Specialty: Electronic Commerce、Management Information System、User Behavior
Office: Ba832
ePorfolio: Click this link
Hwang, Ming-Dar
Emeritus Professor
Specialty: Information Security, Information Security Management, Management of Campus Information Services, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Industry.
ePorfolio: Click this link
Liou, Andy Ay-hwa
Retirement Associate Professor
Specialty: Artificial intelligence, operating systems, expert systems, semantic networks, generic computing
ePorfolio: Click this link
Lee, Hung-chang
Retirement Associate Professor
Specialty: Security Protocol and Application, Data Mining and Knowledge Management, Internet Operation and Management, Medical Information Management
ePorfolio: Click this link
Liang, Te-chao
Retirement Associate Professor
Specialty: Information Security, Network Security, Planning and Management of Communication Network, Computer Forensic, Decision Analysis
ePorfolio: Click this link
Huang Chen-Chung
Retirement Associate Professor
Specialty: Fuzzy Set Theory and Its Applications、Marketing Information System、Strategic Planning for Information Systems、Value and Risk of Information Systems
ePorfolio: Click this link
Liaw, Heh-tyan
Retirement Associate Professor
Specialty: Software Refactoring, Obfuscation, Computer Graphics, Compilers.
ePorfolio: Click this link
Wu, Jiin-po
Retirement Associate Professor
Specialty: Information technology management, E-commerce, Internet addiction, Neuro IS (An IS subfield that relies on neuroscience and physiological theories and tools).
ePorfolio: Click this link